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Term: Transition Period - May 1-15, 2024

Reasons for Changing Libby Libraries


Beginning May 1, 2024, the Jefferson County Library District's (JCLD ) new Libby Library is available to our readers.

The JCLD is moving from Deschutes Public Library to the Libraries of Eastern Oregon (LEO) for its digital collection.


  • Deschutes Public Library currently charges us $1.00 for every eBook or Audiobook checked out to JCLD 
  • No per-item checkout fees associated withthe LEO collection.
Ability to Purchase Material Requested by our Readers
  • By having our own collection, we can purchase digital items requested by our readers, which are unavailable in the  DPL Libby catalog.
  • We can track how many of our readers have a particular book on hold, and purchase extra copies of that book.
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  • In addition to Libby by Overdrive access to our growing collection, you also have access to Libraries2Go, and the Oregon Digital Libraries. 
  • Larger Spanish collection
  • We are also actively investigating other eBook and Audiobook suppliers.

The transition period ends in mid-May, and at that time, you will only have access to the JCLD and its partner collections.   We have already sent instructions on how to change libraries to our registered eBook/Audiobook patrons via email or mail.

Your Books

Your holds transfer to the Jefferson County Library District. Books you have checked out from DPL remain available until the lending period ends. Your reading history also transfers. eMagazines will be added soon.

    Is it hard to switch libraries?

    No.   Follow the instructions on this page which has step-by-step instructions on how to add the Jefferson County Library District collection and remove the Deschutes Public Library collection.

    Once the transition period is complete, you can no longer borrow any eBooks or Audiobooks available through DPL. Even if you see a book available in the catalog, you cannot check it out.

    The easiest way to borrow digital items is to go directly to the Libby app and select from there.



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