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NEW - Libby Transition

Changing Digital Libraries in Libby

The collection of physical materials remains the same - a collaborative agreement among the Deschutes Public Library, the Crook County Library, and the Jefferson County Library.


Is it hard to change libraries?

Follow the instructions below for step-by-step instructions for adding the Jefferson County Library District collection, and removing the Deschutes Public Library collection.

Once the transition period is complete, you can no longer borrow eBooks or Audiobooks from DPL.

The easiest way to borrow digital items is to go directly to the Libby app and change libraries from there.

  1. Open the Libby app on your device or visit Libby( on a computer
  2. Select the 3 lines in the middle at the bottom of the screen 
  3. Select “Add Library” 
  4. In the search box, type Madras 
  5. Select the matching library called Oregon Digital Library Consortium, Jefferson County Library District 
  6. Select “Sign in with my card” 
  7. Enter your 14-digit barcode number (it starts with 25253…) 
  8. Enter your PIN (if you don’t remember it, call the library and we can reset it for you.  Default is the last 4 numbers of your phone number) 
  9. Select “Sign in” 
  10. Select “Next” 
  11. Choose to read with Kindle or skip this step 
  12. Select “Manage Cards” 
  13. Select the card for Deschutes Public Library (it might be orange and purple) Select “ACTIONS” on the card 
  14. Select “Remove Card” from the drop-down menu 

Need More Help?

  • Give us a call:  541.475.3351
  • Send us an email at:
  • Visit the library at 241 SE 7th Street, Madras, OR 97741


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