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Summer Reading Program

Summer Reading Program ends August 31, 2024.

Prize information 

Dear Parent/Guardian and participants,

Thank you for helping your youth complete their Summer Reading Program goals for the summer 2024. Summer Reading Program is wrapping up on August 31st. Everyone still has time to pick up their prizes for reaching their goals. Prizes are awarded to participants in the programs below and various levels of completion. Please come into the library to pick up their prizes.

1. Books Read - 20%, 50%, 80%, 100%, and 200%

2. Graphic Novels - 100%

3. Audiobooks -100%

4. Early Literacy Kits - 100%

5. Curriculum Crates - 100%

6. All Smokey Bear Challenges - 100%

7. Discovery Pass - 100%

8. Oregon Battle of the Books (OBOB) - 100%

I will be ordering the books for those who completed 100% of Books Read on August 31st. You will be contacted when your book comes in and is ready for pick up at the library. Readerzone is year around now so look for more challenges during the school year!


The Summer Reading Program is more than just a fun activity. It's a platform that promotes the vital skill of literacy. Our goal is to ignite a passion for reading in each participant and equip them with the lifelong benefits that literacy brings. The Jefferson County Library District uses incentives and prizes to encourage participants to read extensively. We believe that this program will help our youth build a solid foundation in literacy, which will serve them well in their academic and personal lives.

This year, the Jefferson County Library would like to reward each participant with a grand prize instead of a ticket to enter a drawing. As they progress through the Readerzone program, they receive opportunities to earn incentive prizes to keep going and then a grand prize for their efforts.

We want to inform you about the grand prize process. Participants must suggest at least three books to be eligible for the grand prize. When participants register in Readerzone's "Books Read" challenge, they answer a question suggesting their three books. Participants who do not suggest at least three books will not receive a grand prize. With so many participants, guessing what each participant would like for their grand prize is challenging and not an option. The grand prize is an opportunity for them to receive a book of their choice. The grand prize is only a book. We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring each participant receives a grand prize. If you have any questions or need assistance with book selection, please don't hesitate to contact us. Thank you for participating in the Summer Reading Program, and we look forward to celebrating the reading accomplishments of all participants. 

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