2025 Jefferson OBOB County Cup
Jefferson County Cup 3-5 OBOB Tournament
Friday, February 21, 2025
9:45 - 1:15 at The Madras Performing Arts Center
*Each team will get four matches. Teams are of 4 to 5 students but only 4 can participate at a time.
*There will be no steals during Round Robin Play (1st four matches)
*Matches last about 20 minutes
*Top 2 highest scoring teams advance to play for the Jefferson County Cup
*In the final teams will have the chance to steal
Moderators / Timers / Score Keepers: Star Todd, Laura Jones, Lizzy Wienert, Ryan Dempsey
Match #1 (9.45 - 10.00)
Madras vs. Buff
Culver vs. Metolius
Bye : Warm Springs
Match #2 (10.05 - 10.20)
Buff vs. Culver
Metolius vs. Warm Springs
Bye : Madras
Match #3 (10.25 - 10.40)
Culver vs. Warm Springs
Metolius vs. Madras
Bye : Buff
Break / Snack / Lunches (provided by schools) : 15-minute (10.40 - 10.55)
Judges will total up scores. Bathroom/Hydrate/Run outside the PAC. Score will be announced heading into the final match.
Match #4 (11.00 - 11.15)
Madras vs. Warm Springs
Buff vs. Metolius
Bye : Culver
Match #5 (11.20 - 11.35)
Culver vs. Madras
Warm Springs vs. Buff
Bye : Metolius
11.40 - 12.20 : Tie-breaker match, if necessary. Final totals determined. Championship teams announced. Lunch.
Jefferson County Cup (12.25 - 12.50)
Winner of Semifinal #1 vs. Winner of Semifinal #2
Awards Ceremony (12.55- 1.15)
*Jefferson County Cup will be awarded
*Thank you’s
*Feedback from the students
*Students and coaches board buses to return to school