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10:30 am Playtime @ the Library/Tiempo de juego en la bibliotecas

Theme/Temática: Are you brave?/¿Eres valiente?

Time/Hora10:30 am - 11:30 am

The children can say brave in Spanish./Los niños pueden decir "valiente" en español.


Recommended reading/Lectura recomendada:

A little bit brave / Nicola Kinnear.

The cutest brave little bunny / Joy Steuerwald.

Activity/ActividadRabbit puppet/Títere de conejo

Take home/Para llevar a casaRabbit activity page/Página de actividades de conejo

JCLD Playtime: Featured children's books "A Little Bit Brave" and "The Cutest Brave Little Bunny" with playful illustrations.
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