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10:30 am Playtime @ the Library/Tiempo de juego en la bibliotecas

Theme/Temática: What do you ride in?

Time/Hora10:30 am - 11:30 am

The children can say different vehicles in Spanish


Recommended reading/Lectura recomendada:

Nuestro autobús = The bus for us / Suzanne Bloom ; translated by Aída E. Marcuse.

Bear takes a trip = Oso se va de viaje / Stella Blackstone ; illustrations, Debbie Harter ; translated by María Pérez.


Driving chalk vehicles on black construction paper to make designs.

Take home/Para llevar a casaVehicle flash cards

Children's books "Nuestro Autobús" and "Bear Takes a Trip," a cute character, and "Playtime" text with library branding.
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