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10:30 am Playtime @ the Library/Tiempo de juego en la bibliotecas

Theme/Temática: Thank you/Gracias

Time/Hora10:30 am - 11:30 am

The children know thank you/gracias

Thank you
Peekaboo Gracias

Recommended reading/Lectura recomendada:

The thank you book / by Mo Willems

Thank you, Mr. Panda = Gracias, Sr. Panda / Steve Antony

Thank you, turkey./Gracias, pavo.

Take home/Para llevar a casa
Talk about what you are thankful for at home./Habla sobre lo que agradeces en casa.

Colorful poster with cartoon graphics advertising "Playtime" and featuring two children's books, one about Mr. Panda and one by Mo Willems.
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