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10:30 am Playtime @ the Library /Tiempo de juego en la bibliotecas

Theme/Temática: Costume Party / Fiesta de Disfraces

Time/Hora10:30 am - 11:30 am

The children will feel comfortable play dress up.

Los niños se sentirán cómodos jugando a disfrazarse.


Five little Pumpkins / Cinco pequeñas calabazas

Recommended reading/Lectura recomendada:

Go away, big green monster! / by Ed Emberley

The good, the bad, and the spooky / written by Jory John ; cover illustration by Pete Oswald ; interior illustrations by Saba Joshaghani based on artwork by Pete Oswald


Costume parade / Desfile de disfraces

Take home/Para llevar a casa

Trick or Treat candy in a little bag. / Dulces de truco o trato en una bolsita pequeña.

A colorful promotional image for a library playtime event, encouraging children to wear costumes, featuring two children’s books.
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